Saturday, August 18, 2007

Off we go...but nowhere fast...

For every yin there is a yang. And lately, my travel has offered more than its share of yangs.

We're on our way to Michigan this morning, and the day started off quite nicely. Our taxi was early. Check-in was smooth. Security lines were almost non-existent. And I even had time to grab a latte from Peets before our on-time flight.

Unfortunately, an on-time push back from the gate doesn't always translate to an on-time departure. After an hour on the tarmac at SFO, we returned to the gate to investigate a 'noisy air conditioning duct'.

Hopefully this is not a repeat of Denver! Fingers crossed.

One fun item...I read this fantastic quote in Bon Appetit describing drinking a mojito--my current favorite drink--in Cuba.

"The Mojito is almost like an unpretentious way of sprucing up the rum you're going to drink anyway--just because its hot out and you're pleasantly bored and you want to take the edge off."

Hmmmm...I could use some edge removal right about now.

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