Thursday, February 23, 2006

Egg update...

Well, early official reports from my folks would seem to indicate that 1) our mysterious egg is possibly a Morning Dove egg, and 2) real egg reportings would include a ruler or some scale reference. So here...a ruler. Ok, ok, it also proves that I don't know how long a centimeter is since the egg was really 2.5 cm long.


JamesF said...

Are you keeping the egg under a heat lamp? Or is there no chance to try and save it?

BullBunky said...

Nah, it was lost when we found it. So, it is now in a plant on our balcony.

Anonymous said...

Good follow-up work on the egg. We're not a country ready to go metric yet, are we?!!
Make that Mourning Dove (for its sad sounding call) and make that our best guess while we locate the egg book. We're seen them on the nest in VA in February and your weather is a darn bit better.
From the East Coast...

BullBunky said...

"Mourning" know, it makes sense, but somehow I guess I've never written it. And who says my blog isn't educational!

Buddy Tignor said...

Since it isn't going to hatch I will always remember it as the parrot egg that landed in your back yard :-) Perhaps two parrots from Telegraph hill carried it over on a line...

bobgirrl said...

Hmmmmmm... clearly I've missed something here. I'm guessing we aren't going to hardboil it and eat it with BACON. Ok, guess not.

bobgirrl said...

Oh darn, I've probably been insensitive. Eek.

BullBunky said...

Probably would take 3 eggs to may it worthwhile...of course, you can just skip it all and just have the bacon! :)